Yellow Topaz

The Almighty provides us every day with uncountable benefits, miracles and boons to make our lives easier and bliss. One of such boons bestowed to us are the gemstones which are mystical and transcendental in their affects. These precious and semi precious gemstones are known to cure, heal and provide benefits to its wearers in various ways since time immemorial. Gemologists and Astrologers across the world have researched how these gemstones benefit their wearer and to whom do they affect. Yellow Topaz is treasured globally for its healing properties. It is a less expensive yet highly effective and benefiting gemstone, which holds a special place in astrology. The birthstone for the people who took birth in the month of November is Citrine and Topaz. The looks of these two gemstones are so mesmerizing and sensuous that people who took birth in November feel proud and lucky for having such amazing gemstones as their birthstones.