Pink Tourmaline

Pink tourmaline is a heart chakra stone. It helps heal the heart from emotional wounds, especially those dating from childhood. It is a very gentle, soothing, and nourishing stone that helps restore a sense of wholeness. Pink tourmaline shares some of the clearing and balancing characteristics of black tourmaline, but works on the emotional level. If you are struggling with an emotional response to stress, pink tourmaline can help you find calm and balance. Pink and black tourmaline work well together. Black tourmaline protects your aura while pink tourmaline can help repair damage to it from prior encounters. Pink tourmaline also brings a loving energy to your aura and promotes kindness, which makes others more likely to treat you kindly in return. Meditating with pink tourmaline can surface old emotional patterns and help resolve them, especially ones that are interfering with your spiritual growth. It can restore your sense of adventure and willingness to risk your heart on new ventures and relationships.