Yellow Topaz is also known as Imperial Topaz. This a stone to manifest your intentions, in alignment with Divine Will. The energy of this stone attracts helpful people into your life that will benefit you.

This beautiful stone is a November birthstone, and it makes lovely jewellery. Our yellow topaz beads were mined in Sri Lanka.

Yellow Topaz is a stone of luck. It turns the things to your favour. It helps you bond with the people who are good for you and keeps you away from those who are a harm to you. It strengthens your belief in yourself and enhances your confidence level. Yellow Topaz is also symbolised for protection, harmony, peace, and serenity.

This gemstone will help you in achieving many milestones in your life. It will also help to boost your energy level, that’s why it also aids in relieving stress and anxiety. If you feel like you are facing trouble with your mental stability, this stone is at your service. It will aid in developing mental stability and balance in your personality.

This precious gemstone is also associated with wisdom, intelligence, and creativity. It will affect your academic progress and enhance your creative skills. It will also improve your critical thinking and analytical abilities.

If you have started a new job or moved to a new place, Yellow Topaz will help you in adjusting to that new environment. It also stables your financial matters and prevents losses.

As Topaz is helpful in solar plexus and sacral chakra, it can relieve your stomach aches. It has positive healing effects on the problems of the liver, kidney, and bladder. One can also benefit from its miracles for asthma attacks, cold, and cough. It can also deal with jaundice, insomnia, anger management, and memory loss.  Yellow Topaz also helps with eczema and other dermal problems. It deals with the problems associated with your digestive and nervous system as well.