South Africa is the hub of this purple stone and available in abundance, and this is where our Amethyst beads came from too.

It is the birthstone for those who were born in February.

The stone is also called “Fire Gem” as it is one of those stones that bear the energy of fire and passion. The origin of this name comes from the Greek word “Amethyst”, which means unethical and relates to an interesting fact and a belief of the Greek people that the characteristics of the stone makes it an ideal cure for sugar.

The Healing Properties of Amethyst

The amethyst healing properties are as abundant as the stone, although it offers protection. Due to its connection with the crown chakra, it can make your mind pure and remove the pessimistic thoughts, along with anxiety and stress. Several people use this stone for meditation to overcome darkness. When it comes to the stress you endure in the workplace, the stone has remedial effects. While it helps in relieving stress, you will find it in abundance, which leads you on the road to prosperity. Among the other healing properties of this gemstone, the capacity of communication and intuition helps in increasing work effectiveness.

Amethyst provides a host of healing solutions to patients who have already undergone radiation, chemotherapy, and other kinds of treatments. It is an energising healing option for improving your health as it increase the strength of the heart, adrenaline glands, and the reproductive organs. Besides this, the stone facilitates the treatment of all those disorders that affect the pancreas, spleen, and lungs. Furthermore, amethyst healing properties facilitates the treatment of health conditions associated with the reproductive system. The stone can improve the functioning of the immune system and allow you to recover very fast when you are severely ill.

For regeneration of cell, amethyst can work wonders. Finally, the natural form of amethyst acts as a stress reliever and acts as an agent of detoxification. When it comes to emotional health, using the stone helps you overcome grief and personal loss, and calms the painful situations of the past. The energy of this stone can sedate your mind, and enhance the feeling of satisfaction, happiness, and peace. If you want to gain emotional strength and stability, it can help you stick to them. It also increase cooperation among people makes people flexible. The stone also boosts the production of hormone and fine tunes the rate of metabolism as well as the endocrine system.