Pink Tourmaline is an October birthstone.

Pink Tourmaline has a beautiful energy that vibrates within the heart chakra. It encourages an influx of love, joy and happiness to fill your life. This lovely pink crystal is high in lithium. This inclusion of lithium is known to help emotional and mood related problems such as depression anxiety and stress.

Deposits of this colour of Tourmaline have been found in Afghanistan, Africa, Brazil and the USA.

Many of these pink crystals are gemstone quality, with exceptional clarity and beauty, so are popular in the jewellery trade.

Pink Tourmaline has a soothing effect on the heart, regulates the irregular heartbeat and causes speedy recovery from Cardiac related issues.

It is a stone which brings abundant energies of all that is good in all aspects of your life. It is known to aid to release all that does not serve good, like grief, regret, broken heart situations etc. Natural Pink Tourmaline gemstones are known to be stress busters. It is a good stone to wear or keep near you in stressful situations. Those prone to get panic attacks can use this stone to get relief.

It works its loving energies to support and help you to be loving and compassionate to yourself and others. It can be used to overcome sleeplessness and bring peaceful night’s sleep and rest.

It is a stone which has been used since ancient times by healers and Shamans, as it is said to aid the Divine energies to flow through us easily.
Pink Tourmaline stimulates joy, peace and relaxation. This gemstone helps us to balance our inner and outer self.
Its electrical nature has also been thought to shield the wearer from common electromagnetic radiation that arises from everyday technology.