Red Carnelian is a July birthstone, and our Red Carnelian beads were mind in India.

The Sunset Stone of Carnelian was named so by the Ancient Egyptians who marveled at the collection of fiery hues simmering in shades of burnt orange and pale pink.  Warriors would string Carnelian around their neck to give them courage in battle.

Carnelian has many names – The Singers Stone, The Sunset Stone, and The Artists Stone. It has a vivacious creative edge in everything it does. The warm hues of autumn are a reminder to let go of the seasons that don’t serve you, to store warmth and light within the body, and to travel forth – no matter how dim the path. As a potent healing crystal, Carnelian heals the body, mind, and soul in one swoop. 

This stone stirs up fertility and even for those not wanting to go down that path, it can be an amazing aid in giving your libido a boost and helping you to fully step into the fire of your own sexual identity and power.

Those who suffer from lower back problems or rheumatism will also find Carnelian properties a kiss of relief. The warm vibrations seep through, bringing healing to bones and ligaments and helping you to feel loose and limber rather than stiff and cold. Carnelian also brings a detoxifying flush to those who may be in a battle with alcohol, drugs, and other stimulants that don’t serve your overall health and wondrous wellbeing.

When you let our creative juices go wild, this gives you a whole new lease of life and keeps you feeling motivated and confident now that you have been able to step out of the shadows. Carnelian was considered to be a stone that helped timid speakers to raise their vocals. 

Like many orange healing stones, Carnelian is connected to the three lower chakras. Carnelian treats lower back problems, rheumatism, arthritis, neuralgia and depression.  It regulates the kidneys, and accelerates healing in bones and ligaments.  Improves vitamin and mineral absorption and ensures good blood supply to organs and tissues.